Sister, to be honest, Im so grateful I didnt say something else, because I dont fully remember what I said. Shes just glad it was something (to do with) the gospel. Because you never know, in those places you might say something which is so anti-gospel. My attacker was not even afraid of the police as he did it right in front of them.'. That is a rhetorical question because there is a lunatic fringe within Islam that considers any slight on the religion as warranting of severe punishment, up to and including death. Monthly: $10 a month She fell to the ground and was seen bleeding as crowds gathered around her. Speakers' Corner is a historic place for open-air debate, where people have gathered at Speakers' Corner since the 1860s to exercise their right to free speech. I would ask them, if they have not already done so, to contact police. Tash, who suffered wounds to her face and hands, is still recovering. 'We know that this assault was witnessed by a number of people, many of whom captured it on their phones. Hatun tash is a ex Muslim from Turkey who now works for a organisation called DCCI (Defend Christ Critique Islam). Thevideo shows her out cold, surrounded by alarmed friends. Sign in Muslim Man Attacks Hatun Tash. She was recently assaulted by her fellow Christian brother who is also from turkey and did not press charges on him yet gained 10 thousand pounds for this assault. At some point she converted to Christianity, and like many apostates she went the extra mile condemning her former religion. On 25 July 2021, she was attacked and stabbed there for her Christian preaching. In October 2020, Sadiq Khan was asked about Ms Tash at Mayor's Question Time and said police had escorted her out of Hyde Park 'for her own safety' after a large and hostile crowd had gathered around her. Officers then arrive and help the victim, while others chase the attacker. But there is method in her madness. ", Chibber responded by noting that the complainant's email contained "a number of referrals interpretable as prejudicial and intolerant, based on a person's religious or other origin.". Historic figures such as Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and George Orwell are all known to have visited to discuss the issues of the day. Speakers' Corner is a great place to do this, it is a shame that this has happened at the home of freedom of speech. Last year, a semi-literate., "Speakers' Corner is the embodiment of freedom, that is unlike any other place in the world," said Andrea Williams, chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre. 'In the past, they have seen it as easier to remove me than deal with people intimidating and threatening me. Many Muslims have converted through her ministry. She tells me she started watching footage of the incident but couldnt bring herself to finish. The latest incarnation to emerge is the Caba Baba Rave a cabaret sensory rave for parents and their babies 0-2 years which has been performing in London and was due to appear in Waterloo on 11 March. Christian evangelist Hatun Tash was stabbed today at Speakers' Corner in London. She has been countered intelligently at times, although an atheist might marvel at the vitriol heaped on both sides who are each peddling their own revealed truths. Anyone with information about Sunday's incident is asked to contact Scotland Yard via 101 or @MetCC quoting reference Cad 4376/25Jul. "There is a huge backstory on this case, in terms of what Hatun has been preaching over the last three years. Hatun Tash. Met Police launched an appeal for information following the assault. You are not signed in as a Premium user; you are viewing the free version of this program. Twelve members of staff at the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo were gunned down in January 2015 by two brothers who vowed allegiance to Al Qaeda. Fortunately, her injuries were far short of life-threatening as can be seen from the videos of the incident that were uploaded to YouTube; this one includes commentary by her fellow traveller Jay Smith, who is now based in the United States. In September 2020, footage emerged of an Islamic mob surrounding her and issuing death threats. The film "A Regular Woman" tells the true story of Hatun Aynur Src, shot dead in 2005 by her own brother to "protect the family honor." The haunting work gives a voice to the victim. According to London's Christian Legal Centrethe organization representing Tashtheir client, a former Muslim from Turkey, is known for preaching at the spot that's considered a traditional site for public speeches and debates since the mid-1800s. We remain in the early stages of our investigation and are working hard to trace the person responsible. Fortunately, her injuries were far short of life-threatening as can be seen from the videos of the incident that were uploaded to YouTube; includes commentary by her fellow traveller Jay Smith, who is now based in the United States. This detail is telling. Historic figures such as Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and George Orwell are all known to have visited to discuss the issues of the day. It is heartbreaking that we live in a society where police do not want to arrest a Muslim for fear of being called Islamophobic. A growing number of Muslims, however, are horrified by such excesses and want merely to live in peace and security. The victim was a woman named Hatun Tash; she was stabbed. The Met did not comment on whether the force are discussing policing arrangements for Speakers' Corner. The fearless female evangelist returned to the scenewearing a Charlie Hebdo T-shirt to preach the gospel a week after the attempt on her life in London's Hyde Park. Today, it drives the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority, the Iranian regime and other jihadi organizations. The man who fled London's Speakers' Corner Sunday after stabbing a Christian woman multiple times is still at large. Therefore, their violence is a kind of justified resistance, at least in its aims if not its methods. 'We would urge any witnesses or anyone with information who has not yet come forward to contact police. As for the stabbing on Sunday, a distressing recording of the incident which happened at 3.34pm was posted on YouTube showing an unknown person dressed in a black hoodie attacking Ms Tash, then running away. Im not that friendly now. She used to stand in front of mosques and hand out welcoming leaflets with messages like Jesus loves you.. Last October, she was punched in the face. "If Hatun is silenced by violence at Speakers' Corner, then we are all silenced. I ask what went through her mind in that moment. Thats why the West gets the Middle East conflict precisely backwards. In May, a mob surrounded her screaming for her blood. The force said in a statement: Police were called by the London Ambulance Service at 3.34pm on Sunday to reports of an assault at Speakers Corner. A woman wearing a Charlie Hebdo T-shirt who was stabbed at Speakers' Corner has been identified as a Christian preacher as counter-terrorism officers investigate. The attackers said the magazine had used blasphemy by publishing cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad to stir up hatred against Muslims around the world. "But last July, when Muslim scholar Sheikh Yasir Qadhi explained that there are 'holes in the narrative' [of a single original Koran], I started pushing this more and more using a visual aid of a Koran with holes punched in it, and the attacks got increased," she said. DCCI Ministries states on its website: 'Our motivation is a love for Muslims to bring them to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ in order to attain eternal life.'. "It is heartbreaking that we live in a society where police do not want to arrest a Muslim for fear of being called Islamophobic.. The police have also not implemented law under the Public Order Act 1986 section 4, Fear or provocation of violence. For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click this link:, Hatun Tash was stabbed in the face at Hyde Park, She had been preaching at Speakers' Corner, Shocking video shows a man approaching Ms Tash before knifing her, Ms Tash was taken to hospital after the attack, Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). Mark Duell for MailOnline, Orthodox Christian leader likens Sydney's Covid lockdown to 'mass slavery' and claims vaccines are futile in sermon, Afghan farmer denies he's allowed to lie to 'infidel' Australian courts under Islamic law while giving evidence against war hero Ben Roberts-Smith, Anjem Choudary is BANNED from Facebook and Twitter just FIVE days after the Islamic hate preacher set up social media accounts. DS Bingley also asked people not to 'speculate on the motive for the attack until we have established the full facts'. Many Muslims have converted through her ministry," Islamic expert Tim Dieppe wrote in a commendation of Tash's ministry. "I am convinced I have not broken any law or incited hate. Thus jihadi attempts to wipe out Christianity around the world are ignored, Muslim attacks on Jews are airbrushed out, and even reformist Muslims find themselves smeared as Islamophobes if they criticize their co-religionists. As reported by the Barnabas Fund, which campaigns for persecuted Christians around the world, Fulani Muslims in Nigeria murdered 28 Christians earlier this month in the Christian-majority area of southern Kaduna state, while around 120 students were kidnapped from a Christian school there. It is a heartbreaking that we live in a society where police do not want to arrest a Muslim for fear of being called 'Islamophobic'.". Hatun is the most effective Christian evangelist to Muslims that I know. She can be deterred from speaking there by the police if they have good reason to believe that her presence puts her or anybody else in danger, but the fact that she got slashed across the face by a nutter will only cause other . It believes that if Muslims hate the Jews, its because they hate Israel; whereas in reality, Muslims hate Israel because they hate the Jews. When the episode occurred, Tash, who was wearing a Charlie Hebdo T-shirt, had been quietly speaking to another member of the public who was present there. In October of this year, Hatun Tash was allegedly punched by a Muslim preacher at Speakers' Corner after she showed a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammed. Charlie Hebdo is the French newspaper that suffered a terrorist attack in 2016. Mark Duell for MailOnline Hatun has been slapped, punched and knocked to the ground by Islamic men at Speakers' Corner since June 2020.