Keynote speakers for the event are Rita Nakashima Brock, a Disciples of Christ minister and director of the Shay Moral Injury Center at Volunteers of America and former director of the Soul Repair Center at Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University; and Eboni Marshall Turman, assistant professor of Theology and African American Religion at Yale Divinity School, a Baptist minister and author of Toward a Womanist Ethic of Incarnation: Black Bodies, the Black Church, and the Council of Chalcedon. OFFERS sincere thanks to the Baptist Union of Sweden for the warmth of their welcome and the generosity of their hospitality; The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance meeting in Dresden July 11-17, 1999 Gilbert Laws, England, moved the following Resolution on Church and State: The meetings of the Alliance are called "Congresses". It also allowed the attendees to hear updates on the crises in Myanmar and Ukraine in addition to the opportunity to connect with BWA Women's seven continental union presidents. Read our republishing, terms of use and privacy policies here. A resolution of thanks to the Baptists of Sweden for their hospitality to the Congress was moved by Rev. The meeting opened with the hymn From distance climes, from every land, Behold us, Lord, before Thee stand.. The Third Baptist World Congress meeting in Stockholm, Sweden, July, 1923, and representing with few exceptions the Baptists of every country in the world, a constituency numbering ten millions of baptized members, and many millions of adherents, in view of world conditions, and resolutely facing the problems of the future, makes this statement of Baptist principles and purposes to the Christians and peoples of the world. The action during the SBC annual meeting in Indianapolis follows several years of tension between the two organizations. It feels that the situation is now more favourable for the carrying out of the original purpose of the College Fund, and it refers the whole matter, including Dr. Crees proposals, for the careful consideration of the Executive Committee. The decade, 2000-2010, has been designated "Decade for Racial and Ethnic Harmony". The Annual Gathering of the Baptist World Alliance began on Monday, July 27, in Ede, Netherlands. The members of this Congress believe that the Church is the company of the people of Christ with the Lord Himself according to His promise in the midst of them, and that He by His Spirit guides them into all Truth and makes plain to them the Will of God for them. Converge, formerly the Baptist General Conference ( BGC) and Converge Worldwide, is an evangelical Baptist Christian denomination of the Swedish Baptist and Radical Pietist tradition in the United States that emerged out of Lutheranism. She also helped facilitate a group visit to the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute and 16th Street Baptist Church, which were led by Beeson alumna Melody Maxwell. An annual meeting of the general council governs the Alliance between congresses. RECALLS with appreciation the interchurch conversations between the BWA and the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (1969-1973), the Lutheran World Federation 1986-1989), the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity (1984-1988), and the Mennonite World Conference (1989-1992); NOTES that the Southern Baptist Convention, meeting in Indianapolis in June 2004 voted to approve a recommendation from its Executive Committee to withdraw from the family of the Baptist World Alliance; "Lessons From 400 Years of the Baptist Experience," DC Baptist Convention Committee meeting (June 20) 400th Birthday Celebration, European Baptist Federation (July 24-26, RAI Congress Center, Amsterdam) 400th Celebration Party at the Baptist World Alliance Annual Meeting (July 27-August 1, Ede, Netherlands) Since certain governments engage in programs of relief and development beyond their boundaries, and in so doing use their own and other governmental agencies, national voluntary agencies, but do not use international voluntary agencies; and. The quinquennial global gatherings of the Alliance have continued for more than a century. National Baptist Convention of America, Inc. Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. Council of Baptist Churches in North East India. The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance {BWA), meeting in Izmir, Turkey, July 9-11, 2014: The forum focused on the topics of education, community and civic engagement, and national engagement. ACKNOWLEDGES the profound challenges created in many parts of our world by the massive flow of refugees and displaced persons. ), and who later experienced displacement, loss and trauma when exiled to Assyria and Babylon (e.g. WHEREAS the Commission on Doctrine and Inter-Church Cooperation has for a number of years devoted some of its attention to the charismatic movement, we request the Commission to provide the 1978 BWA General Council such summary statement and guidelines for our Baptist fellowship as they deem appropriate. Baptist World Congress expresses profound sympathy with sufferers Rhondda disaster and prays for Divine consolation. The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance Annual Gathering, meeting in Accra, Ghana, July 2-7, 2007: We use cookies to ensure you have the best experience on this website. Gives full support to the General Assembly of the United Nations in its proclaiming 1981 as the International Year of Disabled Persons with the keynote theme, full participation and equality, whose aim is to encourage the rehabilitation of an estimated 450 million people who suffer from some form of physical or mental impairment. 6125 Richville Dr SW, Navarre, OH 44662. [1] 36th Street between N and O Streets, NW Washington, DC 20007. This years event included a focus on racial justice and the work of the BWA Racial Justice Action Group. ACKNOWLEDGES the gracious welcome to Hong Kong given by President Cecil Chan; and. It would welcome the appointment of an international non-political Commission to ascertain the extent of the need and to devise means of relief.. OFFERS sincere thanks to the Baptists of Canada and the local congregations on Prince Edward Island for their warm welcome and generous hospitality; The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Seoul, South Korea, July 28-31, 2004: We urge the nations to dispense with all testing of nuclear weapons and the production of the same; and co-operatively, to agree on satisfactory methods of inspection designed to ensure that all nations shall exercise good faith in this matter. The Executive of the Council is therefore requested to review major matters to be processed by the Resolutions Committee at its next meeting and to seek out competent persons who will be asked to submit proposed resolutions to be reviewed and where necessary revised by the Resolutions Committee for recommendation to the General Council. In the centenary year of the birth of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the Baptist World Congress recalls with gratitude and praise the mighty preacher whose God-given powers have been exercised for the healing of the nations, and who being dead yet speaketh. Spurgeon gloried supremely in the Cross of Christ, and turned multitudes to his Saviour. There are other Baptists who belong to churches which are not members of the Alliance. Want to share a story? That this Eleventh Congress of the Baptist World Alliance affirms its belief in both the brotherhood of all Christians and the equality of all men under God, regardless of race or social position, and that we accept our responsibility as Baptists to take a full share in solving the un-Christlike distinctions of our societies, wherever they are. The Baptist World Alliance is a fellowship of almost 29 of the 33 million Baptists in the world. The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Harare, Zimbabwe August 6-9, 1993, We regard an educational policy as of primary importance for the extension of the Baptist denomination in Europe, and we consider that the establishment or strengthening of Baptist seminaries for the training of pastors and evangelists should be undertaken without delay. To learn more, review our privacy policies, Theological Reflection & Leadership Development, Baptist World Alliance Appoints Director of Ministries, BWA Women to Host Global Day of Prayer Service, 2022 BWA Annual Gathering Focused on Racial Justice. Theological Reflection & Transformational Leadership. Notes again the great urgency of the HIV/AIDS crisis and laments that 65 million people have been infected and more than 25 million people have died of HIV/AIDS in the past 25 years. The BWA Executive Committee Resolutions are currently being compiled, and a limited number are already accessible. It has served as a collective voice for religious freedom in. The Baptist World Alliance General Council, meeting in Zurich, Switzerland, July 2-6: Aware of the unprecedented suffering through which the people of Israel have passed during recent years, millions of them being exterminated by the most inhuman means; aware also that these sufferings are not yet at an end, but that hundreds of thousands are still in concentration camps or wandering homeless from land to land; aware, further, that the poisonous propaganda and destructive designs of anti- Semitism are still at work in many lands: this Congress puts on record its sense of sorrow and shame that such conditions prevail. Aware of the constant struggle for physical survival in this continent as well as in the world, the present conditions in the Sahel being one tragic example, would there draw attention to the statement quoted in the report of the BWAid Committee as follows. WHEREAS the Baptist World Congress, held in Tokyo in 1970, called for International agreements for the limitation of both offensive and defensive strategic weapons and for immediate agreements to suspend the further deployment of all offensive and defensive nuclear strategic weapons systems, subject to national verification or such other measures of observation and inspection as may be appropriate,. The Baptist World Alliance is a registered 501(c)(3) organization within the United States of America, ensuring your generous gift is tax-deductible in the U.S. 15 REALIZING that over four billion people in our world do not know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and that one-fourth of the worlds population has never heard the Gospel, RECALLS that Jesus Christ took little children in his arms and blessed them as an expression of his love and concern; Annual Gathering In 2023, the Baptist World Alliance is excited to collaborate with European Baptist Federation to offer an incredible global experience in Stavanger, Norway. 2 Kings 24:10-16), and the Lord Jesus Christ who, with his family, experienced life as a displaced person (Matthew 2:13-23); The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance meeting in Ocha Rios, Jamaica, July 1-6, 2013: The first Baptist world congress was held in London in 1905. The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Harare, Zimbabwe August 6-9, 1993, The majority of African Americans is Baptist and has included outstanding leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. Cyril E. Bryant, Lit.D., the BWA General Council expresses deep appreciation for This resolution endorsed the statement made by the Baptist Union of Sweden of the same year and drew attention to the Moscow Declaration. L. A. Crandall, D.D., of Minneapolis, who moved its adoption. The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance resolves to place on record, as the European Office of the Baptist World Alliance is transferred from London, England, to Hamburg, Germany, its sincere and warm appreciation of the significant contribution made to the Baptist World Alliance by the Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland from its inception and throughout its history, MOTION by Roy Bell was seconded, and carried 32GC76 that the following resolution be adopted: The Baptist World Alliance gratefully records its deep sense of obligation to many individuals and organizations as well as to the citizens of Atlanta as a whole for the magnificent cooperation which has helped to make this Sixth Baptist World Congress. The Inaugural Meeting of the first Baptist World Congress was h eld at Exeter Hall on Tuesday, July 11, 1905. The meeting opened with the hymn - God is the creator, sustainer, and Lord of all, delights in creation, and is committed to its care and renewal; We are pleased to share with you the entire set of Resolutions, Manifestos, Messages and Proclamations approved by delegates attending the Baptist World Alliance World Congresses from 1905 through 2015 (the 2020 Congress was postponed to 2021 due to the global pandemic). LAMENTS the rapid spread of the HIV/AIDS crisis, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, the devastating impact of this disease on families and communities, and the lack of sufficient economic and medical resources to address its causes, prevention and treatment; The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Seoul, South Korea, July 28-31, 2004: THANKS God for the many blessings experienced by the world Baptist family over the l00 years of the life and mission of the Baptist World Alliance; The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance Annual Gathering, meeting in Accra, Ghana, July 2-7, 2007: There are many conditions and attitudes which strain and impair human relations and cause great concern; but we cannot solve the problem unless we face it forthrightly as Christians. Urges all governments, enforcement agencies under their jurisdictions, and non-state actors to enforce and abide by the basic tenets of human rights as represented in international laws and conventions in the investigation, arrest, interrogation, detention, due process, trial, sentencing, and incarceration of all persons, regardless of race, religion, gender, national status, or political association. 2. The royal welcome of our British Baptist brothers and sisters, whose thoughtful kindness has further endeared them to us. For groups like the BWA, however, the hybrid approach strengthens its efforts to span the globe especially in troubled times. "Here in the beauty of this place, we believe participants were encouraged and equipped by the opportunity to learn, grow and connect where so many have throughout our history.". His Honour Judge Willis, K.C., President of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland, occupied the chair, and the hall was crowded with the delegates, numbering nearly 3,000. The BWA is organized in six regional fellowships: the All Africa Baptist Fellowship (AABF), the Asian Baptist Federation (ABF), the Caribbean Baptist Fellowship (CBF), the European Baptist Federation (EBF), the North American Baptist Fellowship (NABF), and the Union of Baptists in Latin America (UBLA). In light of the ever-evolving nature of the virus, the Baptist World Alliance is currently in a thorough review process of options for the 22nd Baptist World Congress. NOTES that the absence of peace for the Middle East contributes to suffering throughout the world; The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Mexico City, July 3-8, 2006: In 2023, the Baptist World Alliance is excited to collaborate with European Baptist Federation to offer an incredible global experience in Stavanger, Norway. The people who voted for the resolutions, did so on their own behalf, not on behalf of their churches or conventions. J. N. Prestridge, D.D., and Rev. Thank you for your patience and for your prayers on behalf of the many lives currently impacted by this disease. No nation wins a nuclear warall are defeated. REAFFIRMS the priority given by the Baptist World Alliance to mission and evangelism; The amendment which was made in the divorce law last year, through the enactment of a measure empowering the Supreme Court to/decree a dissolution of marriage aft The resolutions are shaped by the values and convictions generally affirmed by Baptists and are proposed by members of the Baptist family, or by the Resolutions Committee, which also considers, reviews and amends them where necessary for presentation to the General Council for consideration and possible adoption. Large-hearted and practical, he responded to the appeal of human need, and the Gospel he preached was illustrated by the Orphanage he founded. The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, believing in the inherent right of all people to freedom of religious faith, practice, and propagation, and recognizing the rights of governments to require that such freedom shall be exercised responsibly, wishes once again to express its deep concern over present attitudes in many countries with respect to religious believers, involving in some cases, strong legislation against them. Believing this to be one of the greatest needs of our time in every continent they call upon their fellow Baptists to join them in united sacrificial endeavor in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. AFFIRMS that every child, from the time of conception, is of inestimable worth, having been created in the image of God, and possessing at an appropriate age the capacity to experience fellowship with God through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Mexico City, July 3-8, 2006: Cookie. This Congress representing the world-wide, inter-racial fellowship of Baptists, rejoices to know that despite all differences of race, there is in Christ an all-embracing unity, so that in Him it can be claimed with deepest truth there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free, but Christ is all in all.. Professor A.T. Ohrn, Norway, moved the following Resolution on Racialism The Baptist World Alliance, in session in Philadelphia, begs to express its respectful greetings to the President of the United States as the Chief Executive of the great Republic within whose borders the Alliance meets.