1953 20A-7-205). Legislature or other government official review: Legislature reviews the measure as submitted to it by the proponents. Verification: Random sampling (CRS 1-40-116). 34-1813); and Maine (21-A M.R.S.A. It may be placed on a ballot and legislature has the right to place an opposing proposal on the ballot if they choose that they Summary of initiative, referendum and recall processes. 48, Init., Pt. Where to file: Secretary of state (Const. Art. Art. Art. Art. 4, 1, Pt. Time period restrictions before placed on the ballot: Signatures submitted to appropriate state officials at least 10 days before submitted to secretary of state, which is the 50th day of the first regular session or the 25th day of the second regular session (21-A M.R.S.A. 22-24-420). 2, 3, Michigan: M.C.L.A. Vote requirement for passage: Majority (Const. Of course, in some of the above states, timelines concerning filing, signature gathering and deadlines for signatures and the indirect initiative process may impose limits not otherwise spelled out in statute. Repeal or change restrictions: Legislature may propose alternative measure or initiate the standard process for amending the constitution (MS Const. 3, 5). See also 21-A MRS 904-A, the repealed provision that prohibited payment per signature. Circulator oaths or affidavit required: Yes (21-A MRS 902 and 903-A). Art II, 10 and Elec. II, 1g). They represent direct check on democracy as people can exercise their powers to accept or reject a piece of legislation. May also post in newspaper (21-A M.R.S.A. Petition title and summary creation: Proponents (Neb. Paid signature gatherers must register with the secretary of state and pay a fee of $20 for each petition they will be paid to circulate (SDCL 2-1-1.5 through -1.9). What is on each petition: Must contain the full, true copy of the proposed measure on it on the backside or attached to it, and follow prescribed form and language, including a warning (Miss. Which election: Next succeeding election at which the question may be voted upon by the voters of the entire state (Const. 168.474a; 168.486; 168.477; 168.32). Petitions must be filed by 5 p.m. on the 90th day after the applicable legislative session adjourns sine die. Number of signatures required: For statutory initiatives, 8 % of legal voters that cast ballots for governor in the last election. Circulator requirements: Legal voter (RCWA 29A.72.120). III, 2). Application process information: Requires 25 or more must signatures as a sponsoring committee and present the complete measure to the secretary of state for approval, one of whom which must be designated as chairman of the sponsoring committee. Art. 19, 1). Ballot title and summary: The title of the statute or resolution must be set out on the ballot, and the question printed upon the ballot for the information of the voters must be as follows: Shall the statute (setting out its title) be approved? (NRS 295.045). Types allowed: Direct initiative for statute and constitutional amendment, and popular referendum, Single subject rule: Yes (Ne.Rev.St. Art. Art. Where to file: Secretary of state (SDCL 2-1-3.1). Const. Otherwise the secretary of state in consultation with the attorney general writes a concise summary (NDCC 16.1-06-09). Code reviser issues certificate of review (RCWA 29A.72.020; 29A.32.040; 29A.32.060). XVI, 5(b)). Contributions in excess of $1,000 from a single contributor received during the 21 days prior to the election must be reported (RCW 42.17A.265). 4, Pt. It fails if under 90 % and qualifies if at least 100 % (N.R.S. Cure period for insufficient signatures: If petition is insufficient, sponsors have 30 days to solicit and obtain additional signatures, submit proof to show that rejected signatures are valid, or make the petition more definite and certain (NMSA 1-17-12). Amend. The chief petitioners may withdraw at any time before submitting the total number of signatures for verification. 2, 1). Code 82013). Petitions must be submitted not less than four months prior to the next general election. Art. In some states, the legislature or governor may order a special election for a measure. . Art. Code 23-17-37), Thirty-five percent in Nebraska (Ne.Rev.St. 250.045; 250.048). 293.250). M.G.L.A. 1953 20A-7-212). Petition title and summary creation: The title of the act subject to the petition appears on the petition (Utah Code 20A-7-303). 4, Pt. Allowed to pay another for their signature: Prohibited (NRS 32-630 and -1404). 3, 52(e) and Wyo. II, 1(b) and RCW 29A.72.010. Art. What is on each petition: A copy of the act to be referred if the number of words is 500 or fewer; the statement of approval or rejection; a statement of the minimum costs to the state associated with certification of the application and review of the petition, excluding legal costs and costs associated with any challenge to the validity of the petition; an estimate of the cost to the state of voter approval or rejection; an impartial summary of the subject matter of the act; a statement of warning prescribed in AS 15.45.330; sufficient space for the printed name, numeric identifier, signature, date of signature, and address of each person signing the petition; and other specifications prescribed by the lieutenant governor to ensure proper handling and control (AS 15.45.320). The public may protest as to the constitutionality of the measure. Submission deadline for signatures: Within 90 days following the final adjournment of the legislative session at which the law was enacted (Const. 3503.06). III, 3). A statement of purpose and implication, not to exceed 135 words, and yes-no statements are drafted by petitioners and reviewed and approved by the attorney general. 22-24-416). Geographic distribution: 5% of the vote cast for governor at the preceding election from at least one-third of total legislative districts (Const. 19, 6). Proponent financial disclosure requirements: Include but are not limited to regular reports filed with Ethics Commission, deadlines for filing, dollar amounts to report, dollar limits on contribution amounts, and no donations from PACs or anonymous contributors (A.C.A. Art. Const. Petition title and summary creation: Secretary of state and approved by attorney general (V.A.M.S. 3, 51; V.A.M.S. Withdrawal process of individual signature: The person must file a sworn statement with the secretary of state any time before the petition is filed (V.A.M.S. Which election: General election, unless the legislature orders a special election (Const. Which is an example of a ballot initiative quizlet Which election: Biennial general election (Const. The Referendum is where the state legislators can deal with a problem by putting it on the ballot and letting the people vote it. 55, 22). Should this bill be: Approved. 8; 9). Proponent financial disclosure requirements: Must file a statement of organization as a political committee within two weeks of organizing or within two weeks of the date the first contribution or expenditure is expected (RCW 42.17A.205). 1-45-103, 1-45-108.3, 1-45-111.5 1-45-117). Timeline for collecting signatures: Unlimited, but if number of filed signatures is deemed insufficient, sponsors have 30 days to collect more (A.C.A. If the petitions were filed at least 165 days before the election and the submission deadline has not passed, and the signatures are deemed insufficient, petitioners may submit more signatures. Seven states require filing an initial number of signatures or registering of sponsors as part of an application to fully circulate an initiative: Four states require a filing fee in statute: RCWA 29A.72.010; 43.07.120; 29A.72.020; 29A.72.040. Const. Referendum - Wikipedia Code Ann. XI, 3). 5, 3). 295.015). II, 1(b)). Therefore, rules restricting the ability to change or repeal measures apply to statutory measures, which are available in 21 states. 901, 906; 1 M.R.S.A. Art. II, 1b; O.R.C. Vote requirement for passage: Majority (Const. Timeline for taking effect: Within at least 30 days (I.C. 34-1805), Geographic distribution: Six % of the qualified electors at the time of the last general election in each of at least 18 legislative districts, out of 35 total districts (I.C. 3, 17). In all other cases, an act that is subject to the referendum remains in effect until it is rejected at an election (MCA 13-27-105(3)). Application process information: Submit filing fee and a petition signed by 1,000 voters to the attorney general, with a summary and complete copy of the measure. Aside from single-subject rules, seven states have no additional subject restrictions on what can be in initiatives: Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Oklahoma, Oregon, Utah and Washington. 2, 8; Cal.Elec.Code 9016. Code 9607). Const. A person also qualifies as a ballot measure committee if 2% or more of its annual revenues, operating expenses or funds are used to make contributions to another ballot measure committee which exceed $10,000 in value. US History Unit 3 | History Quiz - Quizizz 2, 3), Who creates petitions: Secretary of state (M.G.L.A. Must register organization (5 ILCS 20, 10 ILCS 5/28-9). Art. Both the initiative and the referendum originated in Switzerland in the first half of the 19th century. 22-24-402). Art. Const. Committee must create a "top funders sheet" that is included as part of the petition. Const. If attorney general does not approve the statement, he or she prepares one. Amend. Signatures gathered in violation of these requirements are void (ARS 19-101(A)). Stat. 2, Oregon: O.R.S. Art. 19-118; 19-121). First, they tend to be much shorteran average of 90 days. Art. 2, 3. Geographic distribution: Original geographical requirement found unconstitutional. Code 18603). Withdrawal of petition: Chief petitioners may withdraw at any time before submitting the signatures for verification. Arizona (for constitutional amendments, not statutes) (A.R.S. Verification: Not specified: "The Secretary of State shall determine the validity of the petition and issue a written decision stating the reasons for the decision within 30 days from the date of filing of a written petition." 168.487). Circulator oaths or affidavits: Yes (O.R.C. Art. Laws authorizing any classification of property for the purpose of levying different rates of taxation thereon or of authorizing the levy of any single tax on land or land values or land sites at a higher rate or by a different rule than is or may be applied to improvements thereon or to personal property. 116.030). Art. 7-9-404; 405; 406; 407; 408; 409, California: Cal.Gov.Code 82013, 84200, 84202.3, 85309, 84511, 84101, Cal.Elec.Code 18680; Form 460, Colorado: C.R.S.A. Art. 4), Michigan (M.C.L.A. Referendum: Definition, Rationale and Criticism for UPSC Polity - BYJUS 23-17-7; 23-17-9; 23-17-15). A recall is when a political committee petitions the electors of the state, county, city/town, or district to demand an officer be recalled based on a statement of grounds by the committee. Timeline for taking effect: For statutes, 10 days after the date of the official declaration of the vote, and for amendments, 45 days after election (M.C.L.A. 21-A, ch. A report is also due no later than the 15th day after the deadline for filing the referendum petition (Mo.Rev.Stat. ), Payment on a per-signature basis prohibited. Tit. Const. Ballot title and summary: Proponent and approved by the attorney general, is the title for both the petition and ballot. Art. Timeline for taking effect: When approved by a majority of voters (Const. The legislature has 40 days to pass the unchanged initiative. 19, 2; American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada v. Loma (2006); N.R.S. 3, 1 and Const. May amend the initiative with three-fourths vote, but may only amend to further the purpose of the measure. Timeline for collecting signatures: None except when collecting the second 3 % of signatures of votes in last election for governor, the deadline is 90 days (OH Const. Direct Democracy in California: History and Functions 295.009, Ohio: Const. Conflicting measures: The measure receiving a majority of the votes passes (RCWA Const. Art. Who can sign the petition: Voters who register on or before the date the petition is required to be filed (NRS 32-1404).. Majority to pass: Yes (M.C.L.A. Use the data in the data file Gilotti's Pizzeria to find the variance and the standard deviation for Location 2, Location 3, and Location 4. 19, 3; Art. 250.015; 250.052). Art. Art. 53 7). Ten states do not have a geographic requirement; 14states do. A committee must file a statement of organization within 10 days of its organization; must include a brief statement identifying the substance of each ballot question supported or opposed by the committee. The ballot title may be distinct from the title of the law that is the subject of the petition. 113 (Nov. 2020) as a reference. Art. Const. 3, 53. Code Ann. 3, 52(e) and Wyo. 7-9-404; 405; 406; 407; 408; 409). General review of petition: Proponents may alter the measure in small ways after legislature reviews it. Law 6-202). Stat. Who creates petitions: Secretary of state reviews the petitions (SDCL 2-1-1.1; SDCL 2-1-1.2). Legislature may amend with three-fourths vote but only to further the purpose of the measure (A.R.S. Circulation may begin once the attorney general has drafted a circulating title and summary; petition must be submitted within 90 days after the enactment date of the statute. Twenty-three states have popular referendum processes. Art. Other subject restrictions: No amendment may change more than one section, no appropriations, and no local or special laws (MT CONST Art. III, 2), Oklahoma (OK Const. Code Ann. 8), South Dakota (SDCL 12-13-25.1; 12-13-26; 2-1-1-1; 2-1-1-2), South Dakota (SDCL 12-13-25.1; 12-13-26), Alaska: AS 15.13.040; 15.13.050; 15.13.065; 15.13.110, Arkansas: A.C.A. Clerks check the names, verify they are 18 or older, and determine if they are a registered voter. A statement must be filed by a ballot issue committee supporting or opposing a measure not more than 35 days after the petition is filed. Cannot be same as a measure at either of the two preceding biennial state elections. Conflicting measures: If neither receives a majority, the one receiving more votes will be resubmitted to the next general election by itself if it received at least one-third of the total votes cast for or against the two measures.