When Harper returned to town (after having escaped from prison), Jack foiled his plan to kill Steve during his second marriage to Kayla by pushing him off the roof of the bell towerkilling him. Although Jack made another attempt to get Jennifer back, it fell apart when Peter learned of his affair with Laura. Thomas DiMera (grandson) But Jack began having flashes of memories and when Eve sabotaged the notes to create the serum, he demanded a divorce. Abby cannot understand why her mom would give Jack yet another chance. She finally told him that she had been raped. DAYS OF OUR LIVES Spoilers: Sarah Is Pregnant! Upon returning home, Jack and Abby found a very life Jennifer, who told them about the plan the circus people had to fake her death and resurrection. Matthew Ashford (2001 - 2003; 2004 to - September 21 2006); March 2007 as recurring - August 15 2012; May 24, June 20, August 5; December 2017; December 28, 2018 - present). Jack realized that T.C. In May 2004, it is revealed that Jack and all of Marlena's victims are alive and being held on a tropical island by Tony DiMera, who had faked all of the murders. At the character's inception in 1987, the role was played by Joseph Adams from April 10 to July 17, by James Acheson from July 21 to October 26, and by Matthew Ashford from October 30 onward. All Of The Actors Who Have Played Jack Deveraux On Days Of Our Lives After rescuing his family, they all moved to Africa. Wanting to spare her feelings, Jack tells her he is gay. Jack came to Salem looking for Kayla Brady, with whom hed fallen in love a few years back. Storylines 1989-1991 2008 2010s 2022- In addition to being a rapist himself, his father and father-in-law are also rapists and his sister, his niece, and two of his ex-wives (Kayla and Jennifer) have all been raped. Jack had decided to go on a "walk about" in Australia to search for himself and find the meaning of life - or so we thought. As soon as he thought the two were close again, Jack faked his death and "left" Salem, leaving Jennifer and Frankie to marry. He tries to let Greta down gently, but when she realized she is being rebuffed, she begins crying. * Died in an elevator shaft when it plummeted to the main floor after an explosion. He has been described by others as having an astronomical IQ and has alternately claimed to have been voted "Most Likely to Win an Oscar" and "Best Dressed" in school. Jennifer doesn't initially return the romantic interest, as she still couldn't completely trust him, but she is intrigued by him and spends much of her time at work verbally sparring with him. Although Matthew Ashford has been the actor to portray the role of Jack Deveraux on "Days of Our Lives" for the longest amount of time, the actor hasn't always been able to return to Salem. While still an infant, Abigail is diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia, caused from exposure to water from the river Jack's company had dumped chemicals in. He found some books that could work as proof, but then Peter blew up the tunnels, and Jack and Jennifer barely escaped. Free shipping for many products! Jennifer eventually finds her way to the island, and gives birth to a son named Jack Jr (J.J. Deveraux). Jack, and a few others including Cassie Brady, are being held in a castle in Europe. Jack originally comes to Salem looking for Kayla Brady - who he had fallen in love with in Hawaii a few years back. The couple traveled to Smith Island, but her traumas had left her incapable of being intimate and she slapped back his advances. After getting his hands on the key to the treasure, all he found was Loretta's diarycontaining the secret to Isabella's paternity. Jennifer tries to explain her presence in his room by telling him she was waiting for him. Mark Valley (1994 - 1997) Jack ran for his father's seat in the senate against Mickey Horton, Melissa's adoptive father, using her to get to him. In 1994, Ashford opted not to portray Jack when the character returned home. Despite his own desire to stay away from Salem in his final days, Jack knows he owes it to the brother and ex-wife he had wronged so many times to bring him back. She was recaptured by Steve and Harper returned to prison. All Of The Actors Who Have Played Jack Deveraux On Days Of Our Lives Having finally had enough, Kayla presses charges against him for rape. Her decision to have Frankie as a roommate after turning down Jack's offer that they live together further push him towards this belief, and he becomes more and more insecure about her feelings about him. Sonny Kiriakis - Wikipedia He feared for her safety, and for good reason, she was kidnapped by Trent by the time. All Rights Reserved. After a few complicated months of trying to make Jennifer think Greta and he are involved while trying to make Greta think he's gay, eventually the truth comes out to Jennifer. He didn't know what was going on, but Jennifer seemed to want nothing to do with him, so he broke it off. The family went on vacation to Africa but things went awry. Gwen revealed that she was actually Jacks daughter from an affair hed had many years ago with a woman named Tiffany Rizchech, though he had no memory of the woman. He had. Jack feels guilty for hurting her and he very sadly grants her a no contest divorce. Eli Grant Played by Lamon Archey. To make matters worse, these business ventures would often cause Jack to disappear, sometimes for weeks at a time, without so much as a phone call to Jennifer. While he was in hiding, Hawk stole his money and planned to take his wife as well. On a tip from Jennifer's grandmother, Alice Horton, Jack learns that Jennifer is to be in Paris for the coronation of Princess Greta Von Amberg. The relationship between Jennifer and Brandon eventually fizzles and Jennifer begins dating Colin Murphy, a mysterious Irishman she met in Africa who she had originally gone to Ireland to meet. The couple fell in love, and things were going great until Jack returned to Salem with hopes of putting his family back together. Maggie points out she ran several successful restaurants and has picked up a thing or two from Victor over the years. Menu. Joseph Kiriakis (biological nephew by adoption) Frankie discovers a drug trial that could help Jack, and it works; Jack, Jennifer and Frankie are now caught up in an uncomfortable triangle. They were remarried, much to the delight of their daughter Abby. While he informed on her and got her fired, she went after Stefano with everything she knew, reminding him that he would need the backing of her family if he wanted to become a 'respectable citizen' as he claimed. Jack had been planning to leave town until he learned that Jennifer kicked Peter out, and hung around to protect his ex-wife and daughter. Its been a while since Jack Deveraux has appeared on DAYS OF OUR LIVES, so newer fans can be forgiven for wondering exactly who he is. Jack was the only one there, and he encouraged JJ to go back to school, bought him a plane ticket, and promised not to tell Jennifer. Use right arrow key to move into submenus. He also fears that if Jennifer and he got together, he would ultimately hurt her as he did Kayla and Melissa. Jack had amnesia, but couldnt remember his family at all. The arrangement is initially confrontational, with Jack and Jennifer constantly verbally sparring with each other, but Jack rekindles her love for him when he rescues her after her car goes over a bridge. Jennifer discovered Jack's affair with Laura when she walked in on Jack comforting her mother, and married Peter in her devastation (while Jack was in jail for arson, charges that were later dropped). While she tried to help him unveil corruption in the prison, she was almost raped by one of the guards. Steve's donation does not change how Jack feels about Steve and he embarks on a campaign of harassment against Steve and Kayla. Jack's plans change when one of his hospice workers turns out to be his presumed dead brother Steve Johnson. Daniel performed an operation to save Jen's life and the two immediately hit it off. As the two struggled, the gun went off and Peter was killed. Ashford is the third actor to play in the role, and appeared regularly from 1987 through 1993 and from 2001 to 2006, with a few minor breaks in between, in . Seeking out opportunities, he became engaged in a desperate plan with Victor Kiriakis to break Harper out of prison. Billy and Steve had been placed in an orphanage by a desperate Jo because she felt sure her husband Duke would one day kill the children. Of course, their marriage has been strained on more than one occasion, including the multiple times that Jack was presumed dead. Jack Deveraux Issues A Threat They were remarried in 2003, but later that year Jack was one of the victims of the Salem Stalker, and a grieving Jennifer was happy to learn she was pregnant with Jacks second child. She is immediately horrified and apologetic, but Jack is unable to hear her words. An anguished Steve finally confesses to her that Jack is his long lost brother and he had broken up with her to give 'Billy' a fighting chance. However, Jennifer had already divorced Jack and moved on with Daniel, and Abigail was furious with Jack for lying to the family. He and Jennifer returned to Salem to spend Christmas with their family, but Jack snuck away to catch Peternot realizing that Abby and Jennifer had tagged along. All The Times Marlena Has Been Presumed Dead On Days Of Our Lives Eventually, however, they are both proven innocent. Eventually, Jennifer let Frankie down easy and reunited with Jack, taking JJ with them to live in Europe. Jack returned to town and moved into the house like he'd never leftuncomfortable for Jennifer and Peter, but ideal for Jack to get his wife back. On November 30, 2015, it was announced that Ashford would briefly return to the soap; he appeared on May 24, 2016. Jack Deveraux (Matthew Ashford) and Jennifer Deveraux (Cady McClain) are always in and out of Salem and now they are headed back out again. Colin, however, reveals he wasn't going to take no for an answer, and threatens Jack's life unless Jennifer sleeps with him. Heck, Jack himself didnt even know who he was for a time! Later that year, actor Mark Valley took over the role. Hawk went to jail, but Jack and Jennifer were still broke. According to Soap Opera News, later this fall, Matthew Ashford makes his triumphant return to Days of Our Lives as Jack, something fans have wanted for the longest while. To make things worse, Abbey had developed anemia thanks to toxic waste contamination. After numerous failed attempts, Jack managed to pair up with Cassie Brady, Marlena Evans and Roman Brady, and the four eventually made it back to Salem. He slipped away without knowing that Jennifer and Abbey were stowed away in his car. It also paved the way for Abigail and Jack to rebuild their relationship as well. The guy has certainly been through the wringer, going from villain to hero and dying multiple times along the way! Jack was overwhelmed with guilt, but redirected it at anger against Steve and Kayla. Jack Deveraux is a character from the soap opera, Days of Our Lives, currently portrayed by Matthew Ashford. The elevator dropped to the first floor and he died upon impact, Roman told the family. She continues to put him off, telling him that she is still feeling tired from being sick, promising that someday soon, they would be together. Luckily, all the killers victims were really alive on an island, and when Jennifer found her way to Jack, she gave birth to a son they named Jack Jr (JJ). Fictional character from the soap opera Days of Our Lives, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Five Things That Happened on October 30 in Soap History", "Five Things That Happened on October 28 in Soap History", "Matthew Ashford Brings Jack Back to Days Alive", Days of Our Lives: A Very Salem Christmas, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jack_Deveraux&oldid=1140814717, Fictional characters incorrectly presumed dead, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles that are excessively detailed from April 2021, All articles that are excessively detailed, Wikipedia articles with style issues from April 2021, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 21 February 2023, at 22:41. Jack Harcourt Deveraux grew up in Washington, D.C. and was raised by Senator Harper Deveraux and his second wife, Jack's stepmother, Anjelica Deveraux. On December 31st, 2020 Jack showed up alive as Eves plus one. Another memory was when Jack and Jennifer were visiting JJ at his college dorm. Days of Our Lives February 20 2023 Cast. He called T.C. Roman reported that the EMTs pronounced Jack dead upon impact. He had amnesia and didn't remember anyone or anything about Salem. Jack retreated to 'The Meadows' to reflect on his life. Jack and Jennifer conceive their first child on the set of a game show during One Stormy Night, Days of our Lives first primetime special. Abigail was trapped in the elevator. He had amnesia and didn't remember anyone or anything about Salem. When they were able to pry the doors open a little, Jack went into the elevator to rescue Abigail. But it wasnt until the Cruise of Deception stranded them on a desert island that Jack and Jennifer finally consummated their relationship.
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