Black Desert Online - All Alchemy Stones & How to Craft Them Youre not going to get an alchemy stone every single time, but you will be able to get many of them at artisan. When you prepare some items (such as elixirs), you have a chance of earning a higher item grade. I recommend using BDOlytics for Alchemy Recipes to help you work out what is best to make. As I was saying before, this process can get quite expensive once you get to the higher alchemy stones of life. Everlasting Herb, Frekah, Fig, Nutmeg, Star Anise, Teff, Truffle, (These will have to be obtained via the gathering Life Skill or other ways). You can pack alchemy or cooking boxes each day and deliver them to an Imperial Crafting Delivery NPC for silver. Select the Growth tab in your Alchemy Stone menu, and place a Blackstone (weapon) in the top slot and your stone in the bottom slot. Obtainable from Alustin in Velia as a reward in a repeatable quest. The Alchemy Stone Shard is used as a material to create Vells Heart or Black Stone (Armor). The cost is cheap, at about 30k silver for most of the green crystals. You wont buy them unless you click the purchase all button at the right of the screen. After upgrading the alchemy stone to a Blessed Alchemy stone, you can upgrade it once more to obtain an additional 2 DP. You could look into potions that you can turn into alchemy boxes with Imperial Alchemy, then sell for a nice sum of NPC gold, high-price elixirs or high-level ingredients needed for crafting, or even stock up your characters with some strong buffs for the long-term. Next press Growth. Below are the crystal names and stats available for purchase from a vendor NPC. in the wild (bare-handed or with hoe). Thank you to an anonymous player for the alchemy data below. Techthons Processing Stones can be purchased from the following NPCs for 10 million Silver. In my case, at the bottom of the list, I have the Rough Alchemy Stone of Life, which is white, the Green Imperfect, and the Green Rough. To conclude, this is about all there is to upgrading alchemy stones, polishing them, and making them yourselves. The other alternative is to use the Intermediate Alchemy Tool which has less durability but does not give the alchemy time reduction. MMOs, CCGs, RPGs and many more, Steam-addict & achievement-w***e. Currently wasting life on BDO & Gacha Games. A lot of people use life stones for all that proper life scaling. Vells Heart is the most popular choice for an offensive Alchemy Stone since it gives 3 sheet AP as well as item effects equal to a crafted Sharp Destructive Alchemy Stone. Take a look at the table below, in order to familiarize yourself with the available options, and set your goals accordingly. There is no best recipe to make in order to farm Shining Powder, so you might as well do your research beforehand. Thanks a ton for your kind words Kaizee! This could also tie into you need to fail a certain amount of times before you eventually get it, which means that there may or may not fail stocks when it comes to alchemy stones that are just purely hidden. Craft Beer x10 using a Cooking Utensil in your residence. Craft Lightstones, vs paying Dalishain 20mil for 1. sell basic Alchemy Tools and an ingredient for crystal making. Click the Recharge tab at the top of the menu and add the materials and the stone, then click Recharge. Fixed errors and changed translations to match EU/NA CBT, Thank you to everyone who has supported us. Place the materials for EXP Elixir x1 into the Alchemy Tool: You can upgrade certain Alchemy Stones using a certain item, to give extra stats. Destruction Spirit Stone, Guardian Spirit Stone, Life Spirit Stone, Wheat Flour, Deep Frying Oil, Sharp Black Crystal Shard, Cron Stone, Gold Bar 10G. At any time, a different set of recipes will be profitable in the current market. You can also buy them directly from the Central Market. Many Excavation nodes take up to 5 slots because they produce at least two vendor sell items along with Traces. Below you can see which materials you can convert to EXP. - Duration: 5 min. Tachros Spirit Stone is a useful Alchemy Stone for leveling alt characters since it is the only Alchemy Stone that gives Combat and Skill EXP. Based upon Summer#8727 advice for leveling Alchemy with edits by me to include more resources. Unlike Alchemy Tools, the repair tools stack in your inventory and have a low weight, so you can keep lots of them in your inventory or storage and use them to repair your Alchemy Tool, instead of having to replace it each time the durability runs out. View Source Spreadsheet. Get familiar with any of the profit calculators like Bdodae/Google Sheets (there are cooking/alch sheets around that can be adapted) and figure out a wide array of potentially profitable recipes. Nevertheless, if you reached for this guide, it means you probably want to know how to make your alchemy stone, so lets proceed. For imperfect stones, meaning the white ones, you will only need 50 special strawberries to cross into the 100% threshold, whereas for a sturdy alchemy stone of life, you would need 200 to 250 special strawberries. . Misc. You can attempt an alchemy stone growth at 80%. Barehanded Gathering (excludes Golem gathering), Butchering (Hunting with a Matchlock/Sniper Rifle and then butchering will provide Black Gem Fragments as well.). There used to be a misconception about Weeds, that they are a trash-vendor item, but this is not the case. All you really need to start is an Alchemy Tool and a house to put it in. You can then sell your Cooking (ALCHEMY) package by clicking the middle button to open the trading window.. The first vendor youll need, will probably be a General Goods Vendor, located in all major towns and cities. To attempt growth, you will need to enter the alchemy stone window, select growth, and use 1 Black Stone (weapon) to attempt the enhancement. We would also like to give a huge thank you to Ashelin for previously hosting the site, our guide contributors, and Luis for everything he has done. Spirit Stones are similar to normal Alchemy Stones. Below is a table of each leveland the buffs it has. There is an Alchemy quest line for beginners that will help you learn the basics and gives Alchemy Exp and other rewards. Approach your Alchemy Tool installed in your residence and press the Repair button. . For example, fuel is oil, blood, and reagents; polishing materials are high-quality crops and particular crops. You will, eventually, get your shop alchemy stone of life, just keep working at it and dont forget to enjoy yourself while at it. Hell no. If you gather all the materials yourself, you will make a profit of 400.000 silver. You can gather these while gathering bushes, thickets, wild herbs etc. Nice Guide. Alchemy Mastery gives a better chance to obtain the max amount of products per craft. Processing > Grind > Spirit Stones to create Alchemy Stone Shard, used in crafting Vells Heart and Black Stone (Armor). Right-click your ingredients andmake sure you enter ingredients for1 result. Players with alchemy at apprentice level 1 or above can now try and upgrade all versions of alchemy stones. Competes with cooking imperials for profit so choose wisely. The Alchemy Stone Shard is used as a material to create Vell's Heart or Black Stone (Armor). For example, you need +7 Loggia Clothes to even get any time reductions, and you need PEN Loggia Clothes for the -4 second reduction. Below you can see which materials you can convert to EXP. Life Mastery clothes and accessories can be improved by enhancement, using Black Gems crafted from Black Gem Fragments.
ENHANCING MY ALCHEMY STONE TO SHARP | Black Desert Online Gameplay Just to point out EXP consume item Defense and Life should be the other way around. I personally always go for the max chance, with 150% XP. Once you do, you can complete a short questline to obtain one of the best Alchemy Tools in the game. You might ask yourself if you can do this for every alchemy stone. Dont stockpile more than 200k clowns blood. Clear Liquid Reagents, you already got em. [toc] Update July 7 The following elixir recipes has been added Elixir of Shock Elixir of Training Elixir of Time Whale Tendon Potion Whale [] Dostters Steel gathering tools can be purchased from the following NPCs for 10 million Silver. The alchemy level of your character can also impact your chance. Then, use the tick button instead to activate your Alchemy Stone when you want to use it. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to hop into our Discord Server. Processing (L) > Grinding Destruction/Guardian/Life Spirit Stones, Vells Heart is obtained by using Processing (L) > SImple Alchemy, on a Vells Concentrated Magic with Alchemy Stone Shards x1500. Mysterious Catalyst has about 2% chance to be acquired each craft. Imperial Alchemy is the process of taking Alchemy Items and putting them into a box. Mining, Barehanded Gathering (excluding Golem gathering), Hoe Gathering, Fluid/Blood Collecting, Tanning, Butchering, Lumbering. Loggias Accessories increase all Life Skill Masteries. Many cities have seed vendors that only offer a few Withered Seeds. Click the Alchemy Tool icon then mouse over to the room and click again. pfft! Equip Alchemy Mastery Gear before turning in any boxes to increase your silver. If youve already started leveling Alchemy on your character, then most probably you already have a big stock of Clear Liquid Reagents & Pure Powder Reagents in your storage. The only good news I can give you, is that if you will be AFK-Alchemy-ing a lot, you will slowly amass them. You can also report an error quickly using the "Report Error" button in the bottom left, or for longer queries, contact us using the contact form on our About Us page. Wow, Thank you so much for doing this. Black Desert Online BDO Black Spirits Claw Guide, Black Desert Online How to Get/Tame a Horse, BDO Leveling Guide 61-64+ With Zones and Buffs, Black Desert Drakania Awakening Guide (PvE, PvP), Black Desert Workers&Node Guide For Beginners, Black Desert How to Calculate Gear Score in BDO. - Effect All AP +8 All Accuracy +10 Ignores All Resistance +5% Attack Speed +5% Casting Speed +5% - How to Use: Press RMB to equip the Vell's Heart, then press (U) to use. Fire Flake Flower and Sunrise Herb are probably the most difficult to find on the Marketplace from the list above. From here, it is relatively simple. How many stones should I be using? Buy Empty Bottle from Material Vendor, and right-click it while standing on a river (the Heidel fountain works too). Oils are expensive to make however, so not the most viable option. 16-hours / day in front of the screen entrepreneur, of which 6+ are spent on gaming. You can click Maximum quantity or press F to create as many as possible. A wise player once said: Alchemy is a skill were you should not focus on crafts for XP but just crafts for $$.
Alchemy Mastery system | Black Desert Online - BDONexus All Rights Reserved. Manos gear is the best, but also extremely expensive to enhance. And here comes the hardest, grindy-est part. Its better to stick with bloods. Each use, will cost 1 durability for the stone, which you can recover with the Recharge function. You can find them in the marketplace, in the Alchemy stones section on the left. When upgrading a stone through Growth, you have a chance to upgrade its level, grade, or both. All the values are based on 150% XP Growth attempts. For this reason, Alchemy requires the Gathering and/or Farming Life Skills. Required fields are marked *, one of the most profitable BDO activities, All these items have a (0.042%) chance of dropping Shining Powder:. The higher the Alchemy level or Alchemy Mastery, the higher the chance will be to obtain the resulting items. The fail penalty will be the EXP down. The NPCs often have a title of
or similar. You can easily lose bills going for guru or make bills. This is why it is essential to make sharp backup alchemy so I can attempt it once more. Youll be shouting for joy when you get one though! Once you have all the ingredients, just click Continuous Production and F to do your max. The higher the alchemy level, the more procs you have out of each crafting. You can view the chances of creating each stone below based on the Alchemy level: You can level your Alchemy Stone to increase the level, grade/rarity, or both. Nieves Location: Calpheon City. Black Desert Online - Alchemy Stone Guide 2020 - YouTube Haha yea, at first I was quite scared! I use blood, like a sinners blood or any other type of blood. When your Alchemy Stone EXP is between 80-150% you can attempt to level your stone (a higher EXP has a higher chance to be successful). Select the Growth tab in your Alchemy Stone menu, and place a Blackstone (weapon) in the top slot and your stone in the bottom slot. In order to recharge your Alchemy Stone, first of all you will need to go into it's own option menu, which you find in your normal inventory (I), in the bottom of it. How to Recharge Alchemy Stone in Black Desert Online. You can grind these Spirit Stones using Processing (L) > Grinding to obtain between 10-30 Mystical Spirit Powder. Brandio Location: Calpheon City. You can find other important Alchemy vendors this way as well, by typing into the search. Enhancement with Black Gemshave a higher success rate than the previous enhancement methods. (70% PRI, 40% DUO, 30% TRI for greed grade.) You can obtain x1 Crystallized Despair by extracting the improved alchemy stone with a mirror of equilibrium. Is this some KR thing? Please see my Life Exp Item List. The newly added Spirit Stones have a low durability of 20 and you cannot perform Recharge, Polishing, or Growth, but they have the same effects as the existing Spirit Stones and are cheaper. Late Night Talks with PA 3rd August 2022, More info in our Artifacts and Lightstone Guide, Crer des pierres dalchimie | Les Chroniques de Brindebidouille, Lalchimie impriale | Les Chroniques de Brindebidouille, Mysteries of Summer 2020 Walkthrough Guide, [Wandering Alchemist] Dalishain located in any major city or Velia, Dropped from monsters in Kamaslyvia region, [A Fragment of a Star, a Spoonful of the Moon]. Find the nearest one by clicking the Find NPC icon on the top right of your window (It looks like a magnifying glass). Alchemy Stone Success Rates : r/blackdesertonline - reddit For the Life Skill Mastery patch notes, please click . Here you will find several types of alchemy stones: Destruction Stones, Protection Stones, Life Stones, and Spirit Stones. Quest Requirements Alchemy Master 10or Alchemy Mastery 800. Normal > T2 Green Grade > T3 Blue Grade > T4 > T5. Look for your Alchemy Tool icon in the furniture inventory window. You can create the new Spirit Stones by using the Alchemy Tool installed at a house. Confusing is an understatement. There is a chance for the stone to evolve up a star level when successfully levelling it to +3 . Master and Guru Imperials: Great EXP and profit. Would be interessted in information about the use of alchemy stones needed to make vell. Alchemy stones provide their bonuses only when equipped, and activated. Each of the spirit stones has a green version and a blue version. If you do decide to mass enhance and a stone doesnt go past a particular color or a specific grade, I would just trash it because otherwise, youre just going to end up blowing more materials. The following Alchemy Stones can be upgraded using this new item: Grinding/growth is possible even with an improved alchemy stone, but if the growth level drops due to failure in growth, the improvement is canceled and the Blessed Soul Fragment disappears. It also increases your Imperial Alchemy profits. With these you can rent a fence and farm some select alchemy ingredients. Terms and Conditions I Privacy Policy I Manage Cookie Settings I About Us, Black Desert Foundry is a guide and news website for the popular MMORPG Black Desert Online. You can equip one Alchemy Stone in your equipment slot, and then activate it to give you a buff for a certain period of time. You can sell these as well to an NPC. All the values are based on 150% XP Growth attempts. Clear Liquid Reagent and Pure Powder Reagent are good recipes to get started with. You then need to select the Polishingoption and put the material in the top slot and your Alchemy Stone in the bottom slot. Alchemy Stone Shards can be obtained by Processing (L) > Grinding, the crafted Alchemy Stones (eg. Summers Leveling Chart & Advice: Heres a chart that adds some numbers to the info above. If you dont have the pearl store costume you can use the Verdure Cron Elixir instead for -1 second and a +4 Silver Embroidered Alchemists Clothes or highly enhanced manos clothing. You then need to select the Polishingoption and put the material in the top slot and your Alchemy Stone in the bottom slot. To obtain the Treants Tear, you need to complete a short questline starting at Fughar, that gives an introduction to all the Life Skills. How to increase Breath (Stamina) & Health, How to find and use the warehouse/storage. When doing alchemy you really want to achieve the fastest possible alchemy time for your convenience. The higher your Alchemy skill, the more Alchemy Mastery you will obtain. Basically, by polishing, you reach that level so you can proceed to growth. So for example if Skilled 1 Alchemist, you might get 350 products from 250 crafts, but get 500 products from 250 crafts if you are Artisan 1 Alchemist (the values are kinda random here, just trying to make a point). You can also proceed to shiny, splendid, and fancy. Energy cost is usually 35 dont be surprised if you pass out from utter exhaustion for speaking so effusively to your sneaky Node Manager. You can use fewer materials to make the alchemy stone. 2023 Black Desert Foundry. There are multiple different kinds of alchemy stones. In BDO, alchemy stones are items that can give the player benefits that depend on the type of stone in use. Im a bit confused by your question Dumble. Although the values of Farming Mastery and Trading Mastery are shown on the new Mastery UI, found under My Information (P), these values do not have any effect due to the fact that there are no contents that are directly affected by these values at the moment. When you succeed an enhancement attempt while using the Black Gem, the enhancement chance increase value will not reset. Supreme Alchemy Tool and Advanced Alchemy Tool can be repaired. Theyre like accessories; once they blow up, you cant get them back. The Khans Heart has 150 durability and can be repaired using Mystical Spirit Powder. If you want to create the new Spirit Stones, you need a special material called "Reagent of Harmonious Spirits". As you use your Alchemy Stone, the durability will decrease. Ingredient: Elixir of Armor: Skilled 1: 3 . The answer is no. Late Night Talks with PA 3rd August 2022, Mysteries of Summer 2020 Walkthrough Guide, AP +8, All Accuracy +10, Ignore All Resistance +5%, AP +8, All Accuracy +10, Ignore All Resistance +5%, Attack Speed +5%, Casting Speed +5%, AP +10, All Accuracy +12, Ignore All Resistance +6%, Attack Speed +6%, Casting Speed +6%, AP +13, All Accuracy +14, Ignore All Resistance +8%, Attack Speed +8%, Casting Speed +8%, AP +16, All Accuracy +16, Ignore All Resistance +10%, Attack Speed +10%, Casting Speed +10%, All Damage Reduction +8, All Evasion +10, Max HP +140, All Damage Reduction +8, All Evasion +10, Max HP +140, All Resistance +5%, All Damage Reduction +10, All Evasion +12, Max HP +170, All Resistance +6%, All Damage Reduction +13, All Evasion +14, Max HP +210, All Resistance +7%, All Damage Reduction +16, All Evasion +16, Max HP +250, All Resistance +8%, [Season] [Life 101] The Adventurer That Does It All, [Season] [Life 101] Lending a Helping Hand, [Season] [Life 101] Catching Warm Fuzzy Feelings. Clowns Blood when wolf blood costs >5k. The weapon will never change; just the polishing materials are the one that varies. You want to prioritize the alchemy mastery over the alchemy time unless you really dont have a lot of time to spend doing alchemy. This is an added boost for players who have spent hours leveling the Alchemy Life Skill. Thank you for letting us know. To level your Alchemy Stone you must put extra materials into it to convert it to EXP. Therefore you can obtain more resulting items than before, when consuming the same amount of materials as before. Equip the Demihar Butcher Knife, then kill the Weasels at the quest location. Luckily for you, the best way to level alchemy up to Skilled 10, is by crafting Clear Liquid Reagents and Pure Powder Reagents. For sturdy ones, you will need pure metals and metal ingots, and for the growth, it still requires the black stone weapon. For example, 9 Shining Powder, 6 Blood of the Sinners, 10 Clear Liquid Reagent, 10 Pure Powder Reagents, and 7 Powder of Time, but that works 70% of the time. Once successful, the EXP of the stone will reset to 0%. There is a Mushroom Vendor located in Calpheon City. You can enhance Life Skill Mastery items up to PEN (V), and the higher the enhancement level, the more the Mastery will increase. The success of the growth could be a Resplendent Alchemy Stone of Life, which gives a 1.7s cooking time, +17% processing success rate, +90LT weight limit, and a +16% gathering item drop rate. We would also like to give a huge thank you to Ashelin for previously hosting the site, our guide contributors, and Luis for everything he has done. The best EXP is also where the best profit is at. Protection stones are for people who want to play a little tankier; Defensive stones give defensive stats like evasion, resistance, more HP, etc. Profit depends on the market so do the math beforehand (more on that below). You can use it along with Alchemy/Spirit Stone of Life. Summers Advice on Reaching Guru 1 and higher: In alchemy, theres always a trade-off between EXP, profit and effort to make a recipe. you can only use a single black stone each time, although the UI might be a bit confusing on that You can view the chances of creating each stone below based on the Alchemy level: You can level your Alchemy Stone to increase the level, grade/rarity, or both. Alchemy stones can be upgraded from Level 1 through Level 8, and they come in 4 different rarities (grades). There is also a crafting database in game (F2 button). Even a newer player can make a minimum of 50 million silver per day by spending just a few minutes buying the items and turning them into boxes. Market Price: 42,200 Silver. Step 1. It is turned into Bofin of Olvia for the following: To easily find the NPC, right click Mysterious Catalyst and select NPC Location. There are 3 types of Craftable Alchemy Stones. Equip the fishing rod, and catch a green-grade fish, [Season] [Life 101] Right Under Our Noses, Can be refueled using Mystical Spirit Powder or Vells Fine Powder, Can be refueled using Mystical Spirit Powder, Must be a Season character, or graduated from the Season. All these items have a (0.042%) chance of dropping Shining Powder:.
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