SPECIAL- 10 boxes total 100 links for $40.00, or a single box of 10 links for only $5.00 (View Picture), 13549 ANTIQUE ORDNANCE PUBLICATIONS ON CIVIL WAR ARTILLERY - High quality 17 x 22 pages with drawings and construction details of original guns, carriages and accessories, mostly taken from original Ordnance Department documents. Military Stretchers, Sand Bags and Surplus Emergency Products, Military Aircraft Landing Mats and Material Handling. 13549D- Publication 40(??) Although the guns were purchased abroad, most of the U.S. Armys ammunition for them was made in the U.S. It was used only in the Mk 4 gunpod. Problems with deflection from sloping tank armor brought about a redesign to a rounded nose, and about the same time they switched to circular shroud type tail for stabilization with the M6A3 and M7A3 rocket designations. $135.00 (View Picture), 14585 U.S. NAVY 6 POUNDER CARTRIDGE CASE & PROJECTILE MADE BY WINCHESTER DATED 8-1897 - The 6 pounder rapid fire gun was widely used by the U.S. Navy from about 1884 to about 1920. [SPECIAL- Lot of five for only $20.00] Price per round $5.00 (View Picture), 16795 WW2 U.S. 105MM HOWITZER BRASS CASE- 1944 dated - One small dent in one side (about 1 x 3/8 by 1/8 deep) and the usual minor straightening required at the mouth, otherwise an excellent case. Originally it was the standard Japanese pack artillery weapon. The vase has been made out of an old artillery shell. These fired a 6 pound projectile (duhh!) Projectile is unmarked. Very scarce and no information found after a diligent search of everything I could think of. This used a thick brass or copper ring (or sabot) at the base with the rest of the projectile being cast iron. Have four, priced at $15 each, or take all four for only $49.00 (View Picture), 22971 12.7 x 108mm DSHK FIRED CASES - What you see is what you get. Both have a steel body with aluminum spike and nylon or copper obturator, in addition to a fin and boom assembly with tracer. The base of the shell is marked " 75 mm M18 then some symbols then 1944". 90mm artillery shell for sale - dmanh.com The .58 caliber Gatling cartridges were basically experimental, as the Civil War ended about the time they were proven to be successful, and the Army switched to .50-70 caliber center fire cartridges for their rifles. NON UK ORDERS MUST BE VIA BANK TRANSFER ONLY. Turning off the personalized advertising setting wont stop you from seeing Etsy ads or impact Etsy's own personalization technologies, but it may make the ads you see less relevant or more repetitive. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. The Type 41 guns were in service from 1908 to 1945. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. 8HE 203mm D680 TNT Howitzer Artillery Shell Projectile Replica - Life Size. November 1918. Loaded, live round, but due to age and apparent poor storages sold as display item only and not safe for actual use. The submissions have a shaped charge warhead that penetrates 2.75 inches of homogeneous armor. It fired projectiles that were used against armored targets such as tanks, hardened buildings, and ships. The dummy ammunition is used for training crews in the various operations (loading, unloading, troubleshooting, etc) and for mechanical testing of the guns while ensuring there will not be any unexpected loud noises or sudden holes in buildings or other nearby stuff (or soiled skivvies). Please specify which you want. The weapon can be readily disassembled into major components for either packing by animal or for airborne operations. Overall length about 19.8 inches (21 inches with fuze) and weight about 85 pounds. These also had a tactile identification feature so they could be selected in the dark by touch. In 2020 alone, purchases on Etsy generated nearly $4 billion in income for small businesses. Artillery Ammunition 37 mm - JC Militaria The explosive filler was removed and they were blind loaded with inert material (plaster, sand, etc) and fitted with either a plug in the base, or a tracer element. Totally INERT, no explosive or flammable components. Green closing wads were smooth; red had several ridges, and the white had a bump or tit in the center of the wad. $149.00 (View Picture), 17102 RARE .58 CALIBER GATLING GUN SHORT RIMFIRE CARTRIDGE- FIRST U.S. MACHING GUN CARTRIDGE - The first machine guns were Richard J. Gatlings hand cranked guns, the Model 1862. Although sounding dangerous, these actually work pretty well, expanding when fired, but quickly returning to the smaller original dimensions. Learn more. The projectile body is made from cast iron and uses the M775 fuze, the tail fin, three charge plugs, three dud plugs, and the obturator ring. $125.00 (View Picture), 7725 CIVIL WAR .30 POUNDER PARROTT SIEGE/NAVAL SHELL (INERT) - Robert P. Parrotts rifled cannons were one of he most widely used types of Civil War artillery. H x 4 in. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. A nice WW2 round with interesting markings and the old paint color code. cap. Will look great with a coat of OD paint as an AT mine M15 for display with military vehicles or mine detectors. BL&P Mark 3 (Blind loaded and plugged) This is the elongated artillery shell for the 3-inch Ordnance Rifles and 10-pounder Parrott cannons. 105mm recoiless rifle, cut barrel section approx. We are not certain if the propelling powder charge remains in the case or not, so this needs to be handled and stored with appropriate care. 1918 french trench. 3D Printed OF- 530 152mm Russian Artillery Shell- fake- All Plastic- Cosplay, 3D Printed M332A1 90mm HVAP-T Replica Shell. These gas operated cannons fired at about 600 rounds per minute with a muzzle velocity of 2,800 feet per second. 105MM. I finally faked sufficient enthusiasm to ID the stuff below and take photos after sitting on a lot of it for 10+ years. The M56 Scorpion self-propelled Antitank Gun was a fully tracked 90mm gun developed in the 1950s to provide airborne troops with a mobile anti-tank weapon. The M775 PD fuze functions on impact with superquick action only. Black projectile with slightly different contours- Armor Piercing (AP), Yellow projectile- High Explosive with pentolite filler (HE) Lot number 1302, inspected by L.M. Relicman Sales Catalog, Artillery, Page1 $99.00 (View Picture), 21930 U.S. WW2 2.36 INCH BAZOOKA ROCKETS - The 2.36 Rocket Launchers were popularly called Bazookas for their resemblance to a fantasy musical instrument used by a comedian of the time. 90mm artillery shell for sale - unevoczentroa.eus The 3/50 was widely used in the fleet throughout WW2 as main battery for smaller ships or as anti-aircraft guns on larger ships. Contacts. Similar Sale History View More Items in Collectibles. These are LIVE pyrotechnic signaling devices, not an explosive, but still need to be stored appropriately away from heat, etc. Our physical store is no longer accepting walk-in traffic, so weve added a curbside pickup option. To fire the Stokes, the safety pin was removed to both arm the shell and allow it to fit inside its launcher. This proved to be a successful design, and Schneider then decided to modified it for a French 105 mm round. The one is a artillery shell casing 90mm M19 WWII from a tank I assume that has been made into a hanging bell/gong that is very loud when rung. The M16 rifle Rubber Ducks are well known, and less well known are the replicas of foreign arms and ammunition likely to be encountered on the battlefield. 1941 - 1945 These guns were more lethal than the more widely used .50 caliber Browning machine guns, but reliability problems slowed their introduction into service. 155mm artillery ammunition The L15 High Explosive 155mm Shell is designed for use with a range of 155mm guns. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. 90 MM, M19 artillary shell | Collectors Weekly (10% off), Keep collections to yourself or inspire other shoppers! High quality .pdf files that are fully searchable using the free Adobe Acrobat. Condition The set of three cartridges for $20.00 (View Picture), 23387 WW2 Japanese 7CM Type 41 Mountain Gun brass cartridge case (75 x 184mmR) - The Type 41 Mountain Gun which was a license-built copy of the Krupp M.08 mountain gun. For those not familiar with this mine, here is some more info taken off a mine website The white stencil markings are mostly pretty legible 3/50 COMMON, MK 3-5/ LOT MIXED/ BL&P, INERT FILLED/ PREP. Price for Kilgore GR-52 line throwing pistol and one fired case is $265.00 (View Picture), 7736 WW2 U.S. NAVY 3/50 COMMON MARK 3 Mod 5 BL&P ROUND- ORIGNAL PAINT - This is one of the very few rounds we have encountered with the original early paint. $3.40, $4.00 They were marginally effective, leading to their cancellation as well as the great difficulty making the tapered barrel and the scarcity of tungsten for ammunition. The nylon bore obturating ring has been replaced after the photo was taken. These were the same for both world wars, and no markings visible to identify date of manufacture. The embossed stamps on the bottom of the shell are clearly visible as well as inspector and military marking stamps. $425.00 (View Picture) Finally in 1913 the French army purchased a small number under the designation Canon de 105 Mle 1913 Schneider; also known as the L 13 S. This one is the INERT practice version, confirmed by the Cyrillic "Y" stamped through the plastic body and the white mark around the fuze. $ 995.00 Add to cart. When fired, the impulse ignition cartridge flash ignites the rocket motor and kicks the rocket out on its way. There was a problem subscribing you to this newsletter. ST.J.CR.VA 9-44 G.K.B. The steel case Headstamp markings are light and very hard to read, but I once imagined I could almost make out a 43 date. INERT- No flammable or explosive components. 30mm Dummy Ammo Shell - joesarmynavyonline.com 2019 World War II Spent 90MM M19 Artillery Shell See Sold Price. View cart for details. Headstamps are as shown in the photos, with 14 over backwards N, 556 over H03 and several other single digit inspector type markings. This example has been rendered EOD INERT with several extra holed drilled in it, and EOD INERT markings engraved on the body. The 3 inch Broun shell was used with any of the 3 inch rifles in the Confederate inventory, such as the Ordnance Rifle, or the later 10 Pounder Parrotts. LOT RVA-8-45 The white signals were mainly to illuminate the battlefield, a difficult problem in the days before night vision devices. The PAK 40 was Germanys premier anti-tank gun of WW2, developed in 1941 to replace and puny 37 and 50mm AT guns. This example is in rusty relic condition, but very few people have ever seen a Stokes mortar round in any condition. Save 90 mm artillery shell to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. These were pretty much the end of the line for the use of shaped charges as anti-tank rounds, and were replaced by the dart type projectiles in Armor Piercing, Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot (APFSDS) rounds with better anti-tank performance. Overall G-VG with most of the honey/brass colored lacquer, but having some rust and dent in the side as seen in the photos. Marry this case up with a nice 90mm projectile of your favorite type (or whatever you are lucky enough to find) and it will be a great display piece. No explosive or flammable components, totally INERT. This type of data sharing may be considered a sale of information under California privacy laws. It is a once fired case with a few minor dings, but one hand size area near the shoulder that was previously dented but has been worked back into shape pretty well, but that is the side you will want to put in the back. Great for display with any rifle grenade launcher. This needs a good cleaning and some soaking with WD-40 to loosen the rust and cement and paint, and it will clean up pretty nicely with some patient scraping followed by a coat of wax or lacquer or black paint. The base fuze is inside a Bakelite shaft. 3- Scarce M14B4 steel case made with a heavy steel base with the sides made of spiral wrapped sheet steel. The M4 was very similar to a shogun shell, but with a bulged area just ahead of the base to hold it in place in the base tube of the mortar. Still in fiber shipping container which may be sealed or had the tape removed for inspection. At the conclusion of WW2 the Chinese Army ended up with many of these guns, and began producing ammunition for them, and most likely were among the weapons used against us in the Korean War. Multiple types of line throwing devices have been invented over the years since 1807 when George Manby came up with a mortar for the purpose of line throwing, followed by David Lyles cannons in the 1870s and shoulder fired guns by Ingersoll, Coston and others in the 1880s and later. Penetration Tank Ammunition > WW2 Weapons This does have traces of the ink markings, but they are illegible. Projectile rotating band has a token demil torch cut, but display with that at the back and it still looks pretty impressive. Click Buy it now or Add to cart and proceed to checkout. $55.00 (View Picture), 20436 LOT OF 3 EARLY(?) This was the origin of the .58 caliber Gatling gun cartridges. But, the body of the projectile does not fragment, avoiding damage to the sleeve or target drone so they can be used for multiple firing runs. INERT- no flammable or explosive material. Projectile is tight in the case with excellent condition fuze and retaining nearly all the original paint and stencil markings. $65.00 (View Picture), 20068 RIFLE GRENADE FLARE SIGNAL, GROUND, GREEN PARACHUTE M19A2- MINT! INERT, no flammable or explosive components. There, and later with Vickers and Maxim Hotchkiss developed single shot artillery pieces for Navy and Army use (the ubiquitous 1, 3 and 6 pounders); revolving guns mainly in 37mm; and eventually a 37 machine gun. It is painted blue with white lettering and one brown band to identify it as a practice round. (See the technical drawing at: https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/business6/uploads/cartridgecollectors/original/3X/a/2/a2db83c5e77a43920213a419c05819c728027054.jpeg One mint, unissued M6 ignition cartridge as shown in the photo. NOTE- VOLUMES 1 & 2 of "Gun for all Nations" are back in stock- limited supply! Initially these were exclusively for chemical warfare use, but at the start of WW2 the Army added a high explosive shell to the inventory, which made the 4.2 inch mortar extremely useful in mountain or jungle terrain where wheeled artillery could not move easily. Primer pocket area only shows a neatly finished epoxy type substance. B- NICE U.S. NAVY STEEL CASE WITH OCTOBER 1957 DATE with primer removed. Fired from a rifle grenade launcher to about 600 foot altitude, where it ejects a pyrotechnic payload, either a single parachute-suspended star which will fall at a slow rate burning for 20-30 seconds; or a cluster of five free-falling stars (like fireworks) which burn for 4-10 seconds. This excellent condition case is dated 1954 and has good stenciled markings indicating it was loaded with the M42A1 High Explosive shell. Sale Price $3.40 U.S. variants of the gun included the M1, M2 (AN-M2) and M3. Original German WWII Inert 98k Rifle Anti-Personnel Grenade Round From $325.00 SALE! B- Decent and restorable 75mm Blank M337A2 WITH SHIPPING TUBE. The bottom of the shell reads "90MM-M19 Lot Nor- 5-59 1953". INERT- no flammable or explosive components. SPECIAL- 10 boxes total 100 links for $40.00, or a single box of 10 links for only $5.00 (View Picture), 22556 U.S. 105MM HOWITZER BRASS CASE 1943 - Standard 105mm Howitzer brass case M14. INERT- no flammable or explosive material. Lewis, a former Commanding Officer of Frankford Arsenal, and later author of the highly respected Small Arms and Ammunition in the United States Service. Price for one original .58 Gatling short rimfire cartridge in excellent condition- $135.00 (View Picture), 17848 CONFEDERATE 3 INCH READ-PARROTT SHELL - (Melton & Pawl Guide to CW Artillery Projectiles Figure III, A-101 shows the slightly smaller early 10 Pounder version for 2.94 bore) These would include the No. U.S. variants of the gun included the M1, M2 (AN-M2) and M3. 1941, 90mm M19 Artillery Tank Shell - Jan 30, 2020 | A & A Auction Ordnance, Explosives, and Related Items. This cartridge was used in the thousands of 20mm Oerlikon anti-aircraft guns mounted aboard nearly every type of Navy ship in WW2. $225.00 (View Picture)), 12270 U.S. 90mm HE PROJECTILE WITH STEEL CASE M19B1 (90 x 600mmR) - Projectile is painted blue from use as inert target practice loading and is identical to the HE round except for being blue instead of OD color. (View Picture), 18265 WW1 Trench Art- 75mm brass shell case - Very nice example with seven neatly done flutes. . The cases vary as to headstamp markings, and some have no primer, while others have a dented or undented primer. Stamped markings in the projectile body are visible M411A1 and we have added small INERT stencil on the back, and the hollow base of the projectile remains in the inert/practice blue color to avoid panic among your local EOD team. 12/7/2022, US Militaria This was a common shell where only the projectile body provided fragmentation, there being no canister balls inside. I purchased several of these at an estate sale. Great for that WW2 display, or a collection of tank/anti-tank weapons. This is projected to be a four volume set when completed, but so far only Volumes 1 and 2 have been published. Here I explain how I determined that the artillery shells I have been finding in the river are not dangerous.zzFollow the ChiggsArmy!My Patreon: https://www.. Our Scranton Operations has been in continuous . Page 1 of 1 Page 1 of 1. Nice case. The is the body section only, the complete round shown at the top is not included but shown to provide an example of what the assembled round looks like. INERT- no flammable or explosive components. Highly recommended reference, sure to be a classic. The U.S. adopted the design in order to begin production as Lend Lease material, but after disappointing results with the U.S. puny 37mm Anti-Tank Gun, M3 in North Africa, decided it would be good to divert most of the U.S. made guns to U.S. service. $395.00 (View Picture), 20449 U.S. 90mm GUN ARMOR PIERCING-TRACER CARTRIDGE AP-T M318A1 - Among the last of the armor piercing solid projectiles made of hardened steel for punching through armor by brute force. Turning off personalized advertising opts you out of these sales. Learn more in our Privacy Policy., Help Center, and Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. But, the black band and all black fuze mystifies me, and also the guy at http://inert-ord.net. . 25 For Sale BRASS 40mm CANNON SHELL CASE DATED 1954 12" tall. This impressive rate of fire and range was made more effective by coupling it with sophisticated fire control and radar systems. 22750F- WINCHESTER 37mm HIGH EXPLOSIVE ROUND FOR HOTCHKISS REVOLVING CANNONS DATED 5-91 (37 x 119mmR) (Sometimes called 37 x 118mmR or 37 x 120mmR or 1 pounder) Designed for an improved version of the Hotchkiss 5-barrel revolving cannons originally made in the ubiquitous 37 x 93mm caliber, this saw US service between 1878 and 1900. The weapon is also used as a subcaliber gun for 280-ram gun cannon M66 Except for the HEAT cartridge, which is fixed, ammunition is semifixed; that is, the cartridge case is a loose fit over the projectile so that the propellant may be accessible for adjustment. New condition, fresh from a sealed 25 round can which was marked 25 Cartridges, Drill M18A3, Lot No. Although visually nearly identical to the combat round, these were made for use in training gun crews proper (and rapid) ammunition handling and loading of the gun. It was used only in the Mk 4 gunpod. This includes the initial one pounder 37 x 94mmR cartridge up through the one pounder- heavy and up to the 37 x 332mmR Skoda anti-balloon gun of 1908. The projectile body is made of steel with an aluminum ogive and a metal rotating band and a plastic obturating band are located close to the base. The Model 1904 was the first with a modern recoil system, followed by the Model 1914 and finally the Model 1917. $350.00 (View Picture), 18869 U.S. 4.2" MORTAR IMPROVED LIGHTWEIGHT CARTRIDGE M329A1E1 - The first 4.2-inch mortar in U.S. service was introduced in 1928 as the M1, and later a strengthened version designated the M12 was adopted. Have several, take your pick, price varies with condition. INERT- no explosive or flammable components in the case. Often, the nose pieces survived and could be screwed back into position for display. 105mm Shell Sale Prices / Values Browse FREE 105mm Shell Sale Prices & Values. Although marked as the M6A1 HEAT round, it is actually an INERT M6A1 practice rocket which has been repainted and restored to M6A1 HEAT appearance. Headstamp includes D51, 1951-1. This is a lot of four in their original loading clip. Range is about 5,500 yards (3 miles). The fuze may be configured for a number of preselected arming and functioning delays needed by a mission. Please direct any questions that you would like to ask directly to Coleman's staff, or need answers to in a timely fashion, to our Contact Us page to e-mail Coleman's staff directly. 7.5 feet long. Photo shows typical example of the few we have (all in similar condition), but not necessarily the exact round you will receive. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. 800-653-8528 $149.00 (View Picture), 19107 WW2 U.S. NAVY 20MM OERLIKON (20 X 110MM RB[REBATED]) DUMMY DRILL CARTRIDGE - This cartridge was used in the thousands of 20mm Oerlikon anti-aircraft guns mounted aboard nearly every type of Navy ship in WW2. . New condition, fresh from a sealed 25 round can which was marked 25 Cartridges, Drill M18A3, Lot No. SKU: 00105-003. 3D printed 105MM M1 Artillery Shell - The Original Whiskey Stash- Life size! 2 bids. However, reloading the chambers in the field was tedious and slow, greatly reducing the effectiveness of the Gatling gun for any sort of sustained fire. Militaria Ordnance and Artillery Shells Our military surplus ordnance selection includes artillery shells for sale, grenades, shell casings, fuses and everything in between. This lot consists of five M51E8 dummies made with regular blue painted TP type projectiles crimped into a steel case that has a plated type finish. Do not confuse this with the common loading machine drill rounds made of a combination of wood and metal, or all metal construction. We have several and opened one of the sealed shipping tubes to inspect the contents for the photos. 7729 VARIOUS 30mm ADEN/DEFA AIRCRAFT CANNON ROUNDS (SHRT, STRAIGHT, BELTED CASE) - These are direct descendants of the WW2 German MG213 auto cannon and its ammunition and the NATO ADEN or DEFA guns were widely used in European fighters. Every 5/38 case should have one of these (or a similar plug made from cork) to give the correct unfired appearance. There is no special locking feature designed into the fuze for shear safety if the bomb is accidentally dropped. Headstamp is lightly struck but enough legible to determine what it is. The price applies to two items. 1 Answer 1stDibs Expert April 5, 2022 We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Shipping will run about $12 on each due to size. These were also used on the U.S. Armys M40 Duster armored vehicles which mounted twin 40mm Bofors guns well into the 1970s. The top of the projectile body had threads cut into it, and these were for a fuze protector, such as this one. Mark II, but has limited markings. 7729D - 30 x 113mm BELTED DEFA DUMMY Plated steel case with headstamp 30 550- DEFA, 2(?) VT (Non-Frag) ammunition is used for anti-aircraft target practice against sleeves towed by aircraft or drone targets. Price for uncleaned fuzes is $20.00 each, or if you want the tip plugged (but still not cleaned) the price each is $22.00 (View Picture), 20833 U.S. NAVY 5"/38 FUSE PROTECTOR CAP - Not sure about the exact Mark and Mod on this, but these are probably post-WW2, and were used well into the 1970s and later. The other settings are for practice only with no effect upon actual functioning. The M18A3 cartridges are turned from steel and then chrome(?)plated. artillery shell casing for sale | eBay $195.00 (View Picture), 20967 U.S. This is probably XM193 or XM195 WECOM, based on the info in Hawkinsons book where those are the only brass cases listed. [TEMP OUT OF STOCK- ASK IF INTERESTED], 15278 U.S. 120mm M831 TARGET PRACTICE-TRACER (TP-T) PROJECTILE - The M831 Target Practice Projectile is the training equivalent of the M830 High Explosive Anti-Tank Multi-Purpose-Trace (HEAT-MP-T) round fired from the 120-mm smooth bore M256 cannon in the M1A1 Abrams tank. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. TRENCH ART - ARTILLERY SHELL CASING - 77MM - Der Rittmeister Etsys 100% renewable electricity commitment includes the electricity used by the data centers that host Etsy.com, the Sell on Etsy app, and the Etsy app, as well as the electricity that powers Etsys global offices and employees working remotely from home in the US. I used to think that collecting 37mm ammunition would require maybe 20 rounds for a good collection (from 1870 to the present) but I was totally off base. This was a twin-barrel eight-chamber revolver with a mixture of recoil and gas operation and with partly smoothbored barrels. $12.00 (View Picture), 19672 U.S. NAVY 40MM BOFORS SINGLE ROUNDS (REPAINTED) - These 40x311mm Rimmed cases are known by various names in their service as the most widely used Anti Aircraft guns of WW2 by the U.S., England, Germany, Italy and Sweden.
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